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The world-class dentistry tech solution harnessing the power of ozone in the prevention and treatment of oral diseases, notably aiming to revolutionize dental care in the United States.

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Your all-American solution for United States healthcare enhancement

Dentistry in the United States has long been a cornerstone of health, yet it has faced numerous challenges, including access to care, affordability, and innovation. The importance of oral health to overall health cannot be overstated. Poor dental health has been linked to various systemic diseases, including heart disease and diabetes. Therefore, improving dental care is not just about treating teeth and gums; it's about enhancing the overall health of the American population. The government's actions in bolstering healthcare services extend to the dental sector, where there is a growing need for advanced, accessible, and affordable treatments.

Key stats

DentalOzone represents a significant advancement for the U.S. dental industry. Its impact is multifaceted, encompassing economic growth, job creation, innovation, environmental sustainability, and public health improvement.

$160 Billion

United States dental services market size


on market size anual growth rate

$700 Billion

Global dentistry market size

Meet Experienced Leader:

Diogo dos Santos

Founder & CEO

As our CEO at DentalOzone, Dr. dos Santos brings a wealth of experience and expertise to the forefront of our innovative venture. With over seven years of experience as a Dental Surgeon, Dr. Diogo possesses a deep understanding of the dental industry, complemented by his strong analytical thinking and problem-solving skills. His extensive background in dentistry provides him with a unique perspective on the needs and challenges within the field, enabling him to lead DentalOzone's mission to revolutionize dental care through advanced ozone therapy. Diogo's ability to analyze complex situations and develop strategic solutions is a key asset to our company, ensuring that we stay ahead in a competitive and rapidly evolving industry.